A História de um Símbolo
Edited by Volkswagen Brazil
Editado pela Volkswagen do Brasil
Prêmio Publishing Company, 1996
Car of the Brazilian people, from north to south of the country, the Fusca (Volkswagen Beetle) not only changed urban scenarios as it altered old habits, created new ones, and influenced the lives of many people. Transcending all expectations ever imagined for a car, it became a symbol embraced by the public.
Since its launching, the Fusca (Volkswagen Beetle) followed a successful path, unthinkable for a car. After all, we're living in times of quick change and constant innovation – what is new today can be discarded tomorrow. If so, how do we explain the popularity the Fusca had at the turn of the century? It’s a long, fun and involving history.
"Fusca – A história de um símbolo" is an important record of this singular character from our history, from the industrialization of the country to the lives of many Brazilian people.
Ary Diesendruck was invited by Volkswagen Brasil to photograph the last assembly line of Fusca in Brazil. The pictures he made were used for the making of the book presented here.