Ary Diesendruck (b.1963) is a photographer and filmmaker based in São Paulo, Brazil. He has been active since 1985 and has worked with Editora Abril (BR), Departures Magazine (UK), Sunday Times Magazine (UK), The Independent Newspaper (UK), Gamma Presse Images (FR), Condé Nast (FR), Groupe Flammarion (FR) and Impression Gold (JP). Ary has received the Tortoise Prize (under the Journalism category) in 1994, and has had his work exhibited in institutions such as MASP (Museu de Arte de São Paulo), MAM Rio (Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro), Paço das Artes (São Paulo), and Sesc Pompeia (São Paulo). In 1988, he became a member of Getty Images and Gamma Presse Images, and in 2003, of Panoramic Images (Chicago).
Ary teaches Cinema at Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (since 2007), and for over a decade now him and his associate Renato Sacerdote have been working as a filmmakers documenting family biographies through their production company Quem Somos (2006).
Event Coverage
Expo '85 (The International Exposition, Tsukuba, Japan, 1985), work featured in magazines such as Ícaro (Varig) and Fotoptica - Japan, 1985
Christmas Celebrations in the Cities of Israel, for Gamma Presse Images (FR) - Israel, 1987-89
Amnesty International "Human Rights Concert", for Retna Pictures International (Eng) - England, 1988
The Eiffel Tower's 100th Aniversary Celebration, meeting of the Group of Seven (G7) and Bicentennial Celebration of the French Revolution, for Tony Stone Images (Eng) - France, 1988
World Formula One Championship: Brazil, Italy, England and Germany Stages, for Goodyear (BR) - Various Locations, 1989-1990
Rio de Janeiro Carnival Festivities, for Tony Stone Images (Eng) - Brazil, 1988-1990
PPG IndyCar World Series: Brazil Stage, for Goodyear (BR) - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1996
"Amigos" Shows I, II and III, photographic coverage and album cover production - Brazil, 1995-99
São Paulo Carnival Festivities, Official Coverage for the São Paulo City Hall - Brazil, 1997
Popular Brazilian Festivities, authorial photo project produced in Panoramic Format - Brazil, 2000-2002
Exhibitions and Prizes
Prêmio Jabuti (Tortoise Prize) for Best Book in the Reportagem (Journalism) category, 1994
Keith Jonson an Pelling, "Christmas in Holyland" - London, June and July of 1989
Galeria Fotoptica, “5 Anos de Fotojornalismo na Revista Goodyear” - São Paulo, August and September of 1990
Casa da Fotografia Fuji, "Fantasias" - São Paulo, April and May of 1991
Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP), "Sefarad: Retrato de uma Herança" - São Paulo, November of 1992
SESC Fábrica Pompéia, "Mês Internacional da Fotografia" - São Paulo, April and May of 1993
Casa da Fotografia Fuji, "II Anuário ABRAFOTO" - São Paulo, March of 1996
Espaço Philips, "Arquitetura Vista à Noite" - São Paulo, 1996
Paço das Artes (Cidade Universitária), “Ex Libris/Home Page” - São Paulo, 1996
Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP), “SP/3D: A Cidade em Três Dimensões”, Sponsored by Comgás - São Paulo, October of 2003 to February of 2004
Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP), “Revelarte - O MASP nas Ruas” - São Paulo, October of 2010
Espaço OpHicina, “2º Mostra São Paulo de Fotografia da Vila Madalena” - São Paulo, January of 2011
Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAM Rio), “Laços de Família: Etnias do Brasil” - Rio de Janeiro, March of 2012 (the exhibition was presented in 9 other brazilian capitals)
Memorial da Inclusão, “A Essência do Momento” - São Paulo, September of 2014
Circo - for the Eucatex Group, Prêmio Publishing Company, 1990
São Paulo - Brasil - Callis Publishing Company, 1993
Luz no Êxtase: Vitrais e Vitralistas no Brasil - DBA Publishing Company, 1994
Imagens do Brasil - DBA Publishing Company, 1994
Fusca: A História de um Símbolo - for Volkswagen, Prêmio Publishing Company, 1996
De Homens e Ideias: os Cinquenta Anos da Fundação Ruben Berta - for the Ruben Berta Foundation 50th anniversary, Prêmio Publishing Company, 1996
100 anos da Escola de Engenharia Mackenzie - Prêmio Publishing Company, 1996
São Paulo: Ensaios - for the 30th anniversary of CESP, DBA Publishing Company, 1997
Brasil: Território, Povo, Trabalho, Cultura - Prêmio Publishing Company, 1997
Mangueira: A Nação Verde e Rosa - Prêmio Publishing Company, 1998
Brasil: Norte, Sul, Leste, Oeste - Talento Publishing Company, 2000
Patrimônios da Humanidade no Brasil - Metalivros Publishing Company, 2000
Litoral Brasileiro - Metalivros Publishing Company, 2001
São Paulo - Brasil - Callis Publishing Company (updated book edition), 2005
Brasil Panorâmico - Metalivros Publishing Company, 2005
Laços de Família: Etnias do Brasil - for the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, 2012
Uma Casa, Campos de Jordão - LB Comunicação, 2013
Pegar o Sol com as Mãos - for the 30th anniversary of Senac São Paulo, Senac Publishing Company, 2015
"Arquitour Photobiketur" - 2012, São Paulo, Brazil
Photography Workshop "The Gaze of The Young on Citizenry in the Streets" (Oficina de Fotografia Olhares dos Jovens sobre a Cidadania nas Ruas), with The Secretariat of Human Rights and Citizenship of the City of São Paulo - 2013, São Paulo, Brazil
"Revelando a Praça" - 2015, Cruzeiro, Brazil
Mobilization Workshops of the "Plano de Juventude Viva" with The Secretariat of Human Rights and Citizenship of the City of São Paulo - 2015, São Paulo, Brazil
"Nature, Colors and Shapes" (Natureza Cores e Formas), with the Villa-Lobos Library and Park (where the resulting exhibition took place) - 2015, São Paulo, Brazil